RailFanning Guide

What is railfanning?

A railfan, rail buff, train buff, railway enthusiast, railway buff, trainspotter, or anorak is a person interested, recreationally, in rail transport. Railfans of many ages can be found worldwide. Magazines dedicated to railfanning include Trains, and Railfan & Railroad.

What you need to become a railfanner?

First you need to LOVE trains, like i do! I love all types of trains; model railroads, ZScale, N-Scale, HO-Scale, Rrideables, 7 1/4 types, and Live Steam. The Rideables are so much fun, like go-carts on rails. They just look like the big ones that transport people and goods all over the world.

Hi , I'm SuperAK51. I have been a railfan all my life. My favorite train is the Union Pacific 844 and The Big Boy Steam Trains. The tools of my trade are as follows:

1. Me (I meant you LOL)

2. A good location (my favorite location in Florida is Plaint City),like the Robert W. Willaford Railroad Museum and Train Viewing Platform, in historic downtown Plant City, Florida.

3. A Radio or Scanner with all 100 channels programed in it or just the channels used in that area. You can find these by going to google and searching the railroad frequencies for your area. (Click Here for a complete list of all of the railroad channels.) Here is a Video From Railfan Danny on a scanner you may Like.

4. A camera. I us my phone and tripod. You can buy a mount to hold yourphone on Amazon or Ebay. You can also use a tablet. They have mounts for them as well. Other people simple use video cameras or regular cameras.

5. Food to eat. Bring a lunch and drink or find your favorite restaurant that still let's you see the tracks!

6. Last but not least, a friend is a must. I bring my dad and/or my girlfriend. It'smuch more fun with a friend or two. There may be times when you won't see a train for an hour and others when you will see buches of them. We do not just sit in one location. We do the whole state of Florida. We see railroad companies like CSX, Florida Center Railroad, Brightline, and Amtrak.